Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pulled Over

40 in a 30.

So my wife comes up to me today as I am heading into the bathroom and says, "I have a confession to make." Instantly, I saw dollar signs, figuring that whatever was going to come out of her mouth next was surely going to cost me! She proceeded to tell me that she got pulled over on Thursday for going 40 in a 30 and that we would be making a $110 contribution to the city of Denver.

I'm not sure what reaction she expected from me, but given my tendency to over-react to unexpected expenses and her three-day delay in delivering the news, I am sure she expected a little bit of drama.

There was none.

On the contrary, as I climbed into the shower, I was reminded of how often I have deserved a speeding ticket for my heavy foot. On the three occasions that I have been pulled over for speeding, I was only given a warning...and I'm fairly certain it wasn't my pretty face that got me off. What kind of man would I be to get angry with my wife for getting caught doing what I do all the time?

There was no stone throwing in my house today. There was no one qualified to throw one.

That's just one of the many lovely things about Christ. He identified with sinners rather than condemned them. He offered them another Way to live, but he did not use his status as Lord to damn or chide. The only one who was qualified to throw a stone chose not to, and he used an encounter with an adulterous woman to drive the point home that none of us can rightfully throw a stone at another. We are all just as guilty.

For the record, my wife told me I could share the story of her traffic ticket under the condition that I inform everyone that the last ticket she got was in 1988 -- and that one was for crossing the double yellow line. Brenda is, indeed, a great driver (and a great sport for letting me use her story!).


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your GRACE!
Love you,

Jonathon Stalls said...

love it dude. great post!