Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Little Graces

You know how people always tell you to rip the bandage off the wound quickly because it hurts less than pulling it off slowly? I usually opt for the quick tug, because I like to get it over quickly. Well, somethings you just can't get over so quickly.
Getting over Ireland is one of those things for me.
I started pulling at the bandage in October of last year when we made the painful decision to return to the States after living there for the better part of seven years. I'm still pulling, and it still hurts.
I decided to take a small road trip last weekend to get out into the Colorado wilderness, do some photography, and get some much needed time with God. I saw some absolutely magnificent scenery and incredible wildlife, but I couldn't escape the sense of loss that I am feeling about Ireland. In fact, being alone with my own thoughts only intensified the feelings of loss...and the pain of separation.
One of my favorite authors, Brennan Manning, says that we are all "paupers a the door of God's mercy". Our need for mercy -- big mercies and small ones -- is great, and the Father's desire to be merciful is even greater. He turns His ears to those who cry out to Him (Psalm 40:1) and meets them at their point of need.
I was mourning last weekend, but this weekend I am celebrating little graces. The Lord knows we could use a dose of Ireland, and we're getting it with some Irish friends who arranged to spend the weekend with us while visiting the States this summer. I'll soak up the conversation, the company, and the moment, and I'll be grateful to the Father for meeting us at our point of need.

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