Thursday, March 12, 2009

Irish Blessings

Here's to good Irish friends:
Never above you.
Never beneath you.
Always beside you.

Ireland was good to us. Perhaps it's good that we left her before our hearts were ready so that a remnant of Ireland could remain in our hearts forever. Better to leave before you want to than leave because you want to!

It's been 13 months since we've returned to America. I haven't spent this much time away from Ireland since I moved there in 2000. Still, there's not a day that goes by without thinking about the place or the people (or the smell of damp sheep for that matter)! We are not certain when we will be able to visit Ireland again, but there will be something a bit unsettled in us until we do.

Until then, we want our Irish friends and our many youth to know that we consider you our Irish blessings. And we will be thinking of you as St. Paddy's Day approaches, a day when everyone is Irish. Heck, I'll take it when I can get it!

So here's to you and yours and mine and ours. If mine and ours ever come across you and yours, I pray that you and yours will be as kind to mine and ours as mine and ours have been to you and yours!


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