Sunday, January 11, 2009


Now I realize that reaching 10,000 hits is small time in the blogging world, but it's a milestone nonetheless -- and one I am happy to be reaching. I know that many of you started with us while we were still in Ireland and still check in from time to time out of interest in us or simple curiosity about some of the things I write about. I would like to know who you are. So...if you have the time and interest, I would enjoy hearing from you by having you leave some feedback on this article. Tell us a bit about yourself and why you check THE WAYFARER from time to time. You can leave your comments by clicking on "Comments" under this article. We appreciate those who check in on us.


EastRocker said...

Hi Mark,
It is your "brother from a different mother." Since I retired after my engineering job in Ireland, I read your blog typically 1-2 times per week. What I'm drawn by is Truth! My reaction is, "Yeah, that's so true," or "That's true about me and I don't like it!" So, in many ways to me, your blog is like the reflective waters but showing what is on the inside, not just the outer image. It is clear that Jesus is your source, making the truths about which you write clear and unshakeable. Thanks, for picking up the New Year with such gusto. Doug

Anonymous said...

Mark, I check in for a few reasons...
1. I consider you a brother and a friend and I value your insights to all things.
2. Your posts cause me to think, laugh, pray and dream.
3. I enjoy the artwork.

Ryan Smith

A Husband and father,

A pastor of young people in Nappanee, IN,

A student,

A friend to many,

A lover of Christ and of life

A blog reader and blogger

A Bears fan

A food consumer

And so much more...

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark Congrats on reaching 10,000. I read your blogs regularly and find them edgy and thought-provoking. We miss you in ireland. if you would like to contact me my email is
Best Wishes to you and Brenda

Mike de Jong

Lamb said...

Because it's you.