Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Fra Sands on the guitar and Ben Purner.

Just a few years ago, none of us knew each other. This weekend, we enjoyed being together again.

When I stop and think about it, I am intrigued at all the different people who come and go from our lives. We cross paths with some folks only momentarily while others seem to become written into our stories. This past weekend was spent with some of those who have been woven into our lives, and it was good to be together. There is a sense that we belong to each other because of what we shared in Ireland and the love in our hearts for each other.

It felt a bit like being back in Ireland as we swapped stories, shared songs, and laughed together. Just about the time I would start to feel doleful because of our loss, I would be reminded of how great our life is with such people in it! We are thousands of miles from our former home, but our Irish friends are in our living room! What is shared between us is wider than the miles...

I am a grateful man!

From left to right: Brenda Ray, Jon Stalls, Mark Ray, Ben Purner, Fra Sands, and Jolene Hanson -- a part of the many who shared life together and fell in love with a small place called Corradrehid. Also visiting for the weekend were Evin and Amy Turley. Evin and Fra were part of one of Mark's youth groups in Northern Ireland.


Anonymous said...

this makes me heart ache. I miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

ahh such a great weekend.. I didn't feel far from Ireland!I like the story that is being written and the roles we each play in each others stories. How refreshing when our paths meet again!


Jonathon Stalls said...

amen bross. corradrehid. what a place...

Catherine Jackson said...

wel Ireland misses you guys!! big time

Catherine Jackson said...

well Ireland misses you guys ... big time!!